FULLTEXT Search Using Keywords |
This is the FULLTEXT search engine. You can use keywords to query the database for Emission Factors and Other Parameters. Specified keywords will be matched against textual data such as: data provider name, Gas, IPCC Source/Sink Category code, IPCC Source/Sink Category name, description, IPCC worksheet, source of data, technical reference, abstract in english, data quality, data quality reference, other information on data quality, comments from provider, comments from others and properties. Returned records that match the keywords will be automatically sorted with relevance decreasing.
Except for keyword mode you can use this FULLTEXT search engine in boolean mode. You can specify a search phrase containing keywords and the boolean operators.
If you are new to this FULLTEXT search engine, we strongly advise you to visit FULLTEXT search online help to learn more about it.
Please, enter one or more space separated keywords or search phrase into the textbox below and press the Search button. (keywords or search phrases, which are 3 or less characters, are ignored by the FULLTEXT search engine, because they are too short and can produce too many irrelevant results).