
Corrigenda for IPCC 2006 Guidelines


  • In Volume 2 (Energy) Chapter 2 some incorrect values have been copied into the following tables:

    2.2 "Default emission factors for stationary combustion in the energy industries",

    2.3 "Default emission factors for stationary combustion in manufacturing industries and construction"

    2.4 "Default emission factors for stationary combustion in the commercial/institutional category",

    2.5 "Default emission factors for stationary combustion in the residential and agriculture/forestry/ fishing/ fishing farms categories"

    The tables are revised.

  • In Volume 3 (IPPU) Chapter 4 (Metal Industry Emissions) Section 4.7 (page 4.78), in the first sentence of the second paragraph, "zinc and zinc concentrates" should be replaced by "lead and zinc concentrates". Also, in the same page, the third sentence of the same paragraph, "zinc and zinc production" should be replaced by "lead and zinc production".
  • In Volume 4 (AFOLU) Chapter 5 (Cropland) section (page 5.31) the last sentence of the first paragraph under "Tier 1" reads "Thus, for Tier 1, Phase 2 has no transition period and lands converted to Grassland are transferred to Grassland Remaining Grassland in the second year following conversion" and should read "Thus, for Tier 1, Phase 2 has no transition period and lands converted to Cropland are transferred to Cropland Remaining Cropland in the second year following conversion."
  • In Volume 5 (Waste) Chapter 3 Annex 3A.1 Page 3.40 In the definitions following to Equation 3A1.25; for CH4gen the units should be GgC instead of tonnes and the third variable should be DDOCmd(i) not DDOCd(i).
  • In Volume 5 (Waste) Chapter 6 Table 6.5 the rural fraction of population of Russia is given as 0.37 it should be 0.27.
  • In Volume 4 (AFOLU) Chapter 11 add Margaret Walsh (USA) as Contributing Author.
  • In Volume 4 (AFOLU) Chapter 6 (Grassland) section (page 6.38)
    3rd line from the bottom of the page change "afforestation of cropland
    soil" to "land conversion of cropland"


Simon Eggleston
Head, TSU
April 2007


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