7th Corrigenda for the 2006 IPCC Guidelines
- In Volume 4-2, Annex I (Worksheets), page A1.26,
Worksheet 3B2b (sheet 1 of 2), for the category: “Land Converted to Cropland:
Annual change in carbon stocks in mineral soils”, columns for “Stock change factor
for land-use system/management regime/C input in the last year of an inventory
time period” should refer to “Table 5.5” and the columns for “Stock change
factor for land-use system/management regime/C input at the beginning of an
inventory time period” should refer to “Table 5.10”. These are currently
given as “Table 5.10” and “Table 5.5” respectively.
- In Volume 4-2, Chapter 10, page 10.60, Equation
10.33, the denominator of the second term on the right hand side should be
“6.25” instead of “1000/6.25”. The sentence, “1000 = conversion from grams per
kilogram, g kg-1” given below Equation 10.33 (definitions of the
terms in the equation) should also be deleted.
Acting Head, Technical Support Unit
IPCC Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
January 2013
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