IPCC-TFI Technical Support Unit (TSU) Internship
This internship programme is now in abeyance. The IPCC TFI TSU does not have a plan to call for applications for the time being. It will be visible in this place when the internship programme opens again.
The TSU Inventory Internship, established and funded as part of Japan's contribution to the inventory programme, provides the opportunity to young researchers/scientists to familiarise themselves with the IPCC methodologies for national greenhouse gas inventories through applied studies on the science relevant to specific sector(s). The aims of the programme is to:
- provide an opportunity to young researchers/scientists to familiarise themselves with the IPCC methodologies for national GHG inventories through applied studies on the science relevant to specific sector(s);
- disseminate the IPCC methodologies for GHG Inventories through interns mainly from developing and EIT countries;
- identify and fill gaps in the science/data/information with a view towards contributing to the future revisions of the IPCC Guidelines;
- promote the evolution of a network of greenhouse gas inventory experts.
Completed Internships
- Ryan Glancy (Feb - Aug 2013)
Ryan Glancy (Ireland/Canada) held the post of intern from February - August 2013.
This study reviews available literature and data sources related to the fugitive emissions from the production of unconventional gas sources; Shale gas, Tight sands gas and Coalbed methane. Tier 1 (and Tier 2 for USA and Canada) emission factors are developed using IPCC good practice methodologies. Factors are developed for methane, carbon dioxide, non-methane volatile organic compounds and nitrous oxide for both developed and developing country scenarios. Using Monte Carlo analyses, expected values and uncertainty ranges for each emission factor are derived from the data retrieved through the literature review.
"Quantifying Fugitive Emission Factors from Unconventional Natural Gas Production Using IPCC Methodologies" (PDF, 1.42 MB)
- Sabin Guendehou (Jan 2005 - Jan 2006)
Sabin Guendehou (Benin) held the post of intern throughout 2005. Sabin has worked on applying the IPCC Good Practice Guidelines on Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry to his country. Benin has few resources and limited data about land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) however its first national communication identified the LULUCF sector as the largest single contributor to its greenhouse gas emissions.
This study clearly shows how the IPCC guidelines can be used in this and similar countries without large resources to improve the estimates from this sector and how use of the uncertainty estimation can be used to identify parameters that need to be reviewed to improve the overall estimates.
The report is Land Use Changes and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes: Scientific Understanding and Contribution to Improving Methodologies for Greenhouse Gas Inventory in Benin (PDF, 1.01MB).
- Olga Gassan-Zade (Jun 2003 - Mar 2004)
National GHG Emission Factors in Former Soviet Union Countries (PDF, 561KB)
The TFI Internship Programme does not imply IPCC, or IGES, endorsement or approval of products, recommendations or conclusions produced by the internship programme. Neither this report nor any presentation of the results has been subjected to IPCC review.
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